Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Yeomen lax streaming LIVE
Friday, October 2, 2009
Oberlin All-Americans
1954 Goodrich, Howard (Howie) Attack
1955 Brainard, William (Bill) Attack
1955 Oakes, Robert (Bob) Defense
1955 Tyler, Carl Midfield
1956 Abeles, Jerome (Jerry) Midfield
1956 Brainard, William (Phil) Attack
1956 Glasoe, Paul Attack
1956 Suhr, Charles (Chuck) Midfield
1960 Hobbs, Robert (Bob) Attack
1960 Horn, Joseph (Joe) Midfield
1960 Vernon, Hugh Defense
1961 Babos, Laszlo Goalie
1961 Baker, Richard (Dick) Attack
1961 Moses, Robert (Bob) Defense
1961 Webster, William (Bill) Midfield
1963 Witte, John Midfield
1965 LaGuardia, Arnold (Arny) Defense
1970 Markwood, Robert (Bob) Defense
1970 Skinner, Michael (Mike) Attack
Monday, September 14, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Face-off guru stops by Oberlin
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
OC Athletics gets even greener
LEED Gold Certified
Williams Field House is the first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified building on campus. Developed by the U.S. Green Building Council, the certification verifies that a building or community was designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance across all the metrics that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. (
The lighting of the facility is designed to take advantage of the natural light from windows and skylights. The lights are equipped with sensors, which will measure the total light on the playing surface. Once the foot-candles reach 100, the lights will begin to turn off and therefore reduce energy consumption.
- In July 2009, the Oberlin College Athletic and Physical Education Department will be installing a solar panel on the north end of Savage Stadium. This solar panel will provide enough energy to power the football, baseball and softball scoreboards and still have some surplus to feed back to the electrical grid. Below is a brief Q&A with the installation company, RePower Solutions:
Who is The Manufacturer? - Sharp
What are the dimensions of the panel? - (Attached Spec Sheet)
Have you installed these for sports complexes in the past? - We worked on both the design and installation side of the project at Progressive Field. We generally design and install systems that are substantially larger than this single-panel system. We have installed solar electric systems at industrial, commercial and residential locations.
What is the lifespan of this product? - It is expected to produce electricity for over 25 years.
Any additional information? - The football scoreboard uses about 50-kWh/ year. This 175W module is expected to make at least 175kWh/year. (Therefore this one panel will provide enough power to the grid to power our Football, Baseball and Softball scoreboards, and still have a little excess)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Oberlin athletics goes green
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Jesse Kane JSR 1st team All American
Friday, June 26, 2009
Meet your new Yeomen

Oberlin, Ohio – Oberlin College head men’s lacrosse coach Kevin Walz announced his 2010 freshman class on Thursday. The Yeomen added six rookies from six different states, each of whom bring outstanding accolades to Oberlin. OC also welcomes a pair of twin brothers in sophomore transfers Matthew Fineman and Daniel Fineman
Eli Clark-Davis
High School: Regents Senior
Home Town: Madison, Wisc.
Position: Midfielder
Awards: Second-Team All-Madison Area Lacrosse Association
Dan Cook
High School: St. Ignatius
Home Town: Cleveland, Ohio
Position: Defender
Awards: Voted Defensive player of the year by his teammates
First-Team All-Region defender
Third-Team All-Ohio Defender
Thomas Cool
High School: Episcopal School
Home Town: Beaverton, Ore.
Position: Defender
Awards: First-Team All-Conference
First-Team All-State
First-Team All-League (2009)
Team won Oregon State Title
Thomas Hake
High School: Glenbrook North
Home Town: Northbrook Ill.
Position: Midfielder
Awards: Second-Team All-State
First-Team All-Conference
Connor Jackson
High School: St. Mary’s College
Home Town: Berkeley, Calif.
Position: Attack
Awards: Most Valuable Player Bay Shore Athletic League
Saint Mary's College High School-MVP Senior Year
Saint Mary's College High School-Offensive Player of the Year
Nathanial Cobert-Sangree
High School: Park
Home Town: Baltimore, Md.
Position: Defense
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Kane Earns All-NCAC Honorable-Mention Honors
Monday, May 25, 2009
Hugh "Gabby" Robertson inducted into The Heisman Club HOF

On the evening of May 23rd Hugh "Gabby" Robertson the founder of the Oberlin mens lacrosse team and one of the fathers of mid west lacrosse was inducted into the Heisman Club's Athletics Hall of Fame. You can read more about the induction by clicking the link below.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Oberlin lax geography
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Senior Awards
Andrews Family Award
This award was established in 2005 in honor of the Andrews family, whose presence at Oberlin traces back six generations to Delia Fenn Andrews, an 1841 graduate of the College. More recently, Chris '90 (soccer, track and field) and George '54 (football) served the College as members of the department of mathematics and the General Faculty Athletics Committee. George also served as acting director of athletics and physical education in 2002-2003. The recipient of this award will be the male athlete who best exemplifies dedication to academic and athletic excellence and has demonstrated leadership skills, strength of character, and loyalty to Oberlin College.
Recipients – Greg Mangan (Football) Conor Doss (Track/Cross Country) Jesse Kane (Lacrosse) Ryan King (Track/Cross Country)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Matt & Jesse enjoying Savannah, GA

While in Savannah with the team on spring break Matt and Jesse decided to take a few photos for use in the senior day program.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
From the moment fall ball began last semester our team took pride in and drew strength from our small numbers, but tight knit group mentality. During our last few games our team has had a new cheer, "15!". I love the mentality and the spirit behind it, but personally it's been tough to yell, seeing as I haven't even been able to practice since the Medaille game. I've been on the sidelined for the first time in my Oberlin career, during a stretch of conference games, no less. We've got Wooster at home on Wednesday, I'm hoping to get in that one (I had hoped to be in the last two as well). It starts a string of three home games before we end the season with two on the road, I'm going to be keep being real unhappy if I spend much more time just contributing to the the 15 by fetching balls so they don't have to ball hunt at the end of practice.
It's an odd parallel to high school, have a good junior year, be a captain senior year, get injured in a bizarre way, and miss time for the first time for that team. Despite going to through a similar situation four years ago I'm having the same problems I did with it then. I've never been a vocal, speech-giving leader (Jesse's the man for that and many other things), I've always tried to lead through my play, simply be a consistent, reliable, stabilizing force on D. How do I lead without being able to play? I struggled with that in high school and I have been since I've been sat. I wish I had the answers, but I can't be someone I'm not, so I've just been doing everything I've been told to do for my rehab. That way I can get back to helping this team in the best way I know how.
-Matt Hollenbeck '09
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Alums in the Ohio lacrosse Hall of Fame
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
NCAC player of the week
Saturday, March 28, 2009
The Beginning (3/28/09)
At this point, what beginning do we have? This beginning is the beginning of lasts. It's our last night in Hilton Head, it has been amazing, but bittersweet like I couldn't even imagine. Every year spring break is a chance to better get to know the guys that maybe you didn't know all that well, or to grow closer with those you did. This year was no different, I got to hangout with some great guys for a week in an awesome spot. How could that be bittersweet? Well, that would be because my time with them is limited (it's always been limited, but the limit is oh so close this time). Tonight Jesse and I took a nice long walk around Palmetto Dunes talking about senior year: life (the rest of this year, the summer, next year, real life), the universe (creationism, Palmetto Dunes, the mountains), and everything (girls, my deeply disturbed psyche, burning man). While we were talking I was thinking about how you only get the full four years with the other guys (or guy in our case) in your class and it occurred to me that the quality of the guys on this team and the friendships is why our alumni game is so well attended. We just don't have enough time with each other, even though there are moments when it seems like we spend too much time together.
As we are getting ready to leave I come to the realization that I didn't hangout enough with each of the guys, but looking back I can't think of time that I want to trade to hangout with someone else, simply because the time I'd be trading in was spent hanging out with another one of the guys and is equally as valuable.
I had to get that out of the way before I was going to be able to sleep (I'm writing this somewhere in the range of 3 am the same morning the bus leaves Hilton Head) and/or write about the annual team dinner at Steamers (a seafood place here on the island) paid for the legend himself, Don Jacobs(lacrosse alumni & father of current player Alex Jacobs). As always it was amazing and an absolute glutton fest of seafood. There is one legendary item on the menu, the shellfish platter, that everyone talks about and a much smaller percentage actually eat. It is really more shellfish than anyone human should attempt to eat, I got it freshmen year and thought that ordering it again would provide a nice symmetry. Besides that, one of the two veggies on the team decided he was coming back, so hopefully we'll have video up soon of his first bite of meat in a very long time (it was steak). We have a tradition of it being one of the freshmen's birthday at Steamer's, mainly so we can all cause a ruckus by singing and laughing at the confused look he gets. This year instead of the wait staff bringing a desert with a candle in it, our waiter thought what he really should do was take a fat handful of whipped cream and put it in his face. We're thinking this guy eats too many doritos and drinks too much mountain dew (get it? he's too extreme).
- Matt Hollenbeck '09
Thursday, March 26, 2009
The Third Plague (3/26/09)
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Beach Bums (3/24/09)
Ok, ok, I've been slacking in this whole blogging thing. Hopefully I'll be better now that I've finally pulled my computer out of my bag.
I'm not going to say much about last Saturday's game, but we came out flat and lackadaisical, hopefully we can get our heads on straight and play to our potential during spring break.
Over the past few days, we've had a couple of good hard practices, plenty of beach time (including a beach football game that featured "accidental" full contact and me picking off a pass and running it in for a touchdown and the win), and the annual trip to the Piggly Wiggly. Today we had an early practice so we could have all afternoon out on the beach, and by we I mean the rest of the guys, because I'm sitting back in my condo taking care of an "undisclosed lower body injury". On the plus side that means I get to get caught up on the blog (yay!), I can make sure the jerseys get taken out of the laundry machine, and stay out of the sun (because all I have is spf 15, really mom? spf 15? if you're going to bring sunscreen 500 miles why spf 15?).
Tonight is the final showdown between myself and Coach Walz on the Risk board, I'll let you know who wins the game of Global Domination.
Longest Bus Ride Ever (3/20/09)
For Jesse and myself this is our fourth and final spring break. It's amazing how quickly my college career has gone, it seems like just yesterday we were on our way to spring break with Andrew Crosby playing the guitar, singing about Palmetto Dunes. Everyday, and especially on this trip, I hope that we can be as good to this team as the seniors before us have been. Between that desire and the rapidly approaching end of my career make each game and every moment with this team extra important and memorable.
- Matt Hollenbeck '09
Here we go again - 3/20/09
- Matt Hollenbeck '09
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Yeomen @ Shenandoah U.
Greetings Obie Lax Blog visitors!
So unfortunately our second match didn’t go as smoothly as we all had hoped. It looks like Oberlin Lacrosse ’09 will have to wait another week until we get another crack at our first W. Even though losing to Shenandoah University 8-9 in overtime is less than ideal, I think we all walked away with a tiny presence of gratification. We were facing a team that not only had beaten us the last time we met two years prior but also had a sideline roughly three times as large as ours. We dominated in nearly every aspect of the game right from the start but somehow still managed to lose. Though disheartening, for us it will hopefully be the motivating factor going into Sewanee this Saturday to perfect our game.
Having such a small squad really has created an interesting dynamic to the sport and it pushes us to work twice as hard in nearly every facet. One of the Shenandoah attackmen commented to me during the game that he was impressed with the amount of talent our team had despite our low numbers. Coach Walz also mentioned that he talked with a few Oberlin Lax Alums that were there and they said that it was the best Oberlin lacrosse they had ever seen. Of course this is in no way a consolation to losing a game we absolutely should have won, but it at least says to me were making progress. After last year’s season, progress is the only thing this team should be exhibiting.
Any who, I could go on but perhaps I should let the rest of the season speak for itself. Junior defenseman Joey Pope signing out.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Fast break defense
• The defense must then get in their “fast break triangle”. Its important to remember that once a fast break is called, the defense is no longer man-to-man, it’s in a zone.
• To effectively execute your fast break defense, proper communication is imperative. The top of the triangle should identify himself as the point man; he will make the call as to whether the defense needs to rotate or if they can hold. The two remaining close defenders drop to the right & left pipes of the goal calling back right & back left
• It’s important to remember that once one player rotates in the triangle, all must rotate as one. You must trust your teammates in this situation and not hesitate. Once the point man slides to stop ball, he must make the wheel or rotate call. (Terminology will vary from program to program.)
• The following will be described in steps, but it’s EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that it’s executed in unison. Once the wheel call is made, the following occurs:
o The point man slides to pick up ball once he has made the offensive player move the ball on. He drop steps down to the goal to get to the back left pipe as soon as possible.
o The player on the back left pipe slides cross crease ending up on the back right pipe.
o The player on the back right pipe slides upfield to pick up the point attackman. If the point attackman receives the ball it’s especially important to slide on an angle similar to a C or a banana, forcing the shooter to either hit him or the goalie near pipe.
*NOTE: Whenever sliding or breaking down on ball, never take a flat angle to the offensive player. Be sure to take an angle that will force the ball carrier down the alley or the shooter to shoot near pipe.